You can find three types of songs in Jamzone:

Full Titles

Shows: chords + lyrics + rhythmic grid + waveform

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This is final level of completion of songs in Jamzone.

Pending Titles

Shows: lyrics + rhythmic grid + waveform

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These are the songs for which we’ve not yet identified and synced the chords. They show a text warning in the player until it turns into a Full Title. When you buy a Pending Title it automatically gets to our to-do list to identify the chords and sync the video. Completion time varies with the volume of demand.

Limited Titles

Shows: rhythmic grid + waveform

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These are the songs we only have the right to distribute as audio-only. We cannot display the chords and lyrics scrolling along with the music in the player. Some songs from some artists (like Eagles or Pink Floyd) are concerned. They are indicated a text warning before and after it is purchased. You can still use all other features.

Song Info Panel

This information is also displayed on the Song Info Panel (read more on: Browsing our catalog)