How to activate a subscription using a voucher?

Select the plan to upgrade to

<aside> 👉 Login on or create an account

  1. Select the plan for which you have received a voucher on

  2. Add your voucher code in the dedicated field on on payment page to apply it.

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⚠️ Voucher are not compatible for subscriptions acquired via the App Store (Apple) or the Play Store (Android). They can only be used for subscriptions acquired through our website. If you are already subscribing from an app store you must cancel your current subscription there and get a new one from our website.

If you have a voucher to renew your currently active subscription

<aside> 👉 Login on

  1. Head to your Subscription details page on

  2. Add your voucher code in the dedicated field

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  3. It will apply automatically at your next renewal date </aside>

My subscription voucher period is coming to an end, how keep my subscription active?

If you already added your payment details on our website

<aside> 👉 There is nothing else to do, your first subscription payment will start automatically at the end of your voucher period and renew your current plan.


If you have not yet added your payment details on our website

<aside> 👉 Head to your subscription management page to enter your credit card details. Then, your first subscription payment will start automatically at the end of your voucher period and renew your current plan.


If your voucher subscription period already reached its end date

<aside> 👉 To continue accessing your Premium/Pro features, you must purchase a new recurring subscription plan as explained there: How do I start, manage or cancel my subscription?


If you do not want to continue subscribing

To stop using Jamzone, make sure to cancel any active recurring subscription. Depending on where you took a subscription from, you can verify its status:

How do I start, manage or cancel my subscription?